Human development based on Christian principles is the goal of the Guidance Program. The target of the program is the individual person so that he/she may be able to develop spiritually, morally, emotionally, socially, and physically and in turn become a self–actualized person who can give maximum services to his/her home, school, community, country, and his/her Almighty.
The Guidance office of Holy Cross of Mintal, Inc. aims to design an orientation program for the benefit of the students, parents, faculty, and staff for them to be acquainted with the new school and know its philosophy, vision, mission, purposes, and objectives.
The orientation activities are usually given on or before the beginning of the school year. Reorientation is also given to students every after Christmas and New Year’s Day break.
Individual Inventory contains all information gathered about each student. The contributors of this individual inventory include the parents/guardians filling in the forms during enrollment, teachers, and through feedback with the use of anecdotal reports, academic performance records, counseling/routine interviews, and test results. The records and data are updated, secured and are properly utilized to have a better background about the child.
This service consists of activities given for the assessment of individual and group needs, getting the overview of the students’ population, and evaluating the guidance services, teachers’ and personnel performance, and other school services.
The counseling service is the “Heart of the Guidance Program”. Counseling service consists of groups of activities that endeavor to help the individual in his adjustment in order to achieve better satisfaction in life.
Counseling service is not only limited to the students but also extends help to the parents of students who need assistance. Moreover, parents are called for a conference in the guidance office through the appointment slip found at the back portion of the students’ handbook.
The guidance office provides services to the administrators, faculty, and parents/guardians by delivering relevant information for the betterment of the learners. This service would enhance and equip the skills and knowledge of the teachers and parents/guardians on handling their learners/children better, with the use of objective, measurable, and theoretical concepts backed up by research.
The Career Developmental Program of Holy Cross of Mintal has been installed with the thrust to prepare the students for a successful career choice and has been integrated into their educational experiences, curriculum instruction, and homeroom career guidance activities. The learners will be guided in assessing their strengths and weaknesses, aptitudes, capabilities, and interests through standardized tests in order to be aware and plan for their careers.
The Placement Service of the school aims to position students in their appropriate place according to their needs, abilities, interests and qualifications. Placement includes sectioning, co-curricular, extra-curricular, career, personal and social areas.
The follow-up service is a service of systematically checking the achievement of the learners in school. This is also an attempt to measure the outcome of the guidance program. The withdrawing potentials and dropouts are also followed up to help them make the most of what they can do. Likewise, concerns about what happens to the learners after they have left school.
The guidance staff together with some peer facilitators and selected students conducted Information Drive to its feeder school as early as January to February. This activity gives its prospective Grade 7 & and Grade 11 students information on the schedule of its entrance examination, requirements, and general program of the school and what it can offer.
Brochures and flyers, containing the schedules for the entrance examination, enrollment, and requirements are given to the feeder schools, and tarpaulins are posted or placed in strategic places like the gate of the school, guidance bulletin board, and other strategic places in Mintal area.
A consultation with a counselor provides indirect assistance to the learners by helping the teachers with methods of dealing with students. The counselor can serve as a consultant in the areas of student analysis, counseling techniques, learning behavior, career information, and other related aspects.
Referral refers to the assistance rendered to clients or their significant others in obtaining services from other people or agencies that might be more effective in helping them. Inside referral denotes that homeroom advisers and subject teachers require the help of the guidance facilitator and thus refer the clientele for counseling.
Outside referral indicates the learner’s needs to be forwarded to a specialist once it has shown that it is greater than the guidance facilitator can handle. This ensures that the student is provided with support from other resources such as a developmental pediatrician, occupational, behavioral, and educational, and language therapist, and other related professionals.
To prevent elements in the environment that may hinder or facilitate the growth of an individual. This service aims to keep something from happening or arising; and to promote lifestyle change for healthy living. These services include Mental Health and Enrichment Seminars/Symposiums for learners, teachers, and parents/guardians.
Academic Support Program is a partnership between teachers, parents, and members of the academe that aims to help students who are struggling with their subjects.
Subject teachers will give the list of underperforming students to the guidance facilitators after the preliminary examination and before the periodical examination. The Facilitator will call the attention of the student for an interview or counseling. Through this interview, the facilitators will be able to identify the reasons or factors why students are struggling in academics. The parents of the underperforming students will also be informed and will be scheduled for a talk to give suggestions.
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