The Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary was founded in Thueyts, France on November 21, 1796 at the height of the French Revolution, by Blessed Marie Rivier
Marie Rivier, fondly known as “Marinette,” was born on December 19, 1968 in Montpezat, France. At the end of April 1770, Marinette, then sixteen months old, had a bad fall which left her handicapped. Her mother, Marie Anne Combe who was a woman of great faith, carried Marinette to the Statue of the Pieta each day. Soon the little girl, who watched her mother pray, was certain: “The Blessed Virgin will cure me.” Left alone at the feet of Mary holding her dead Son in her arms, Marie meditated. This mystery of passionate love filled her heart. Finally on September 8, 1774, Marinette began to walk! These four years of “schooling” with Mary marked Marie Rivier’s life forever — she obtained everything through Mary’s intercession.
By the age of eighteen, Marie was devoting herself to evangelization and the care of the poor. She even opened a school despite the reluctance
of the pastor, who was soon re-assured. Marie’s zeal to make Jesus Christ known and loved extended beyond the classroom to the adults. When the French Revolution broke out and any religious action was suspicious, Marie Rivier secretly held Sunday assemblies. She was cautious but remained an apostolate with a heart of fire. In 1794, the village of Thueyts beckoned her and she willingly responded. Soon, four young women
joined her and allowed themselves to be set afire by the Gospel. At that time when all the convents were being closed, Marie Rivier opened her
own. On November 21, 1796, feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple, Marie and her four companions consecrated themselves to God.
The new community grew quickly despite the poverty it experienced.
Saint Marie Rivier’s prophetic words, “My daughters will cross the seas”, were realized as the Congregation spread all over the world, crossing oceans to Canada, America, Africa and Asia.
On October 26, 1950, four PM Sisters from the Manchester Province, USA, arrived in the Philippines and first worked among the Muslims at the
Notre Dame of Fatima in Siasi, Sulu (until 1957). From there, they spread to the following schools: St. Peter’s College of Daliaon in 1953; Notre Dame Jolo in 1954 (until 1959); Holy Cross College of Calinan in 1958; Notre Dame of Mlang in 1962; Holy Cross of Malita and Holy Cross of Mintal in 1963; Holy Cross of Malalag in 1967; Notre Dame of Magpet in 1978 (until 1980); St. Michael’s School of Padada in 1980; Holy Cross of Sta. Maria in 1984, and Christ the King Academy in Antequera, Bohol in 1989 (until 1991). They also taught at St. Francis Xavier Seminary and Stella Maris Academy in Davao City. In Sulop and Babak, the Sisters were engaged in pastoral work (1975-1976). In Tagbilaran, Bohol (2000) and Mabalacat, Pampanga (2002) the Sisters were engaged in Campus Ministry and Administrative work, respectively. The Presentation of Mary Learning Center in Clarin, Bohol served as precursor to the present Presentation of Mary School of Clarin which was opened in 2010. The PM Sisters are engaged in Campus Ministry work in Borongan, Eastern Samar (2009-present).
The Sisters of the Presentation of Mary in the Philippines belonged to Manchester, United States of America (USA) as a Region until November 21, 1997, when it was erected into a Province.
At this time, some fifteen hundred religious women are present in twenty countries of the world
In Africa: Mozambique, Senegal, Gambia, Cameron, Island Madeira, Burkina Faso,Ghana
In North America: Canada, United States, Ireland
In South America: Peru, Brazil
In Asia: Japan, Philippines
In Europe: France, England, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, Italy
In fidelity to the grace received by Marie Rivier, the apostolic spirit of the Congregation is expressed, whatever the apostolate may be, by the
explicit proclamation of Jesus Christ.
The availability of the Sisters for the mission enables the Congregation to keep its mission impulse. From east to west, from north to south, changes have taken place. The international communities thus established, evangelized not only in words, but also through fraternal communion lived in the name of Jesus Christ. “LET US COME TOGETHER AND PASS ON HOPE,” says Marie Rivier
The history of the Holy Cross of Mintal dates way back to June 1959 when a priest of the Foreign Mission Society of Quebec (PME),
Reverend Father Marcel Lavoie, PME founded and began the direction of the school. The school had only three teachers and used
the ground floor of the parish convent as their temporary classroom.
Later, because of the demand for Catholic education, classrooms were constructed in 1960. Then in 1963-1964, the school was given to
the permanent management of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary.
In June 1991, the Department of Social Welfare and Development offered to open a Daycare Center under their supervision. Due to the demands of the parents for the religious preparation and values formation of their children, the complete supervision and administration was turned over to the school with the approval from the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
In 1993, the school offered Grade I and gradually added another grade level in the following years. Thus, the first Grade School
Graduates finished their elementary level in March 1999 and received its recognition from the Department of Education on December 14, 2005.
The school has been existing and serving the community for more than 60 years under the administration of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary with the constant goal to give quality Christian Education to the youth inspired by the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Marie Rivier. Such a goal has propelled the school community to search and explore possibilities of development to respond to the call for quality Christian Education. Major areas of development such as Instruction, Administrative and Faculty Development, Student Services, Community Extension Services and Physical Plant are being done intensely to give quality service to its growing population.
With the schools’ effort to deliver quality instruction and provide services to the school community, both the Grade School and Junior High School Departments underwent PAASCU Accreditation. This endeavor is done in order to assess its operations and facilities if it has met certain quality standards. The Grade School department was granted Level II PAASCU Accreditation last June 2022 while the Junior High School Department Level I PAASCU Accreditation last May 2018. The Junior High School department is on the process of preparing itself for the coming re-survey visit on February 2023.
Looking at the panoramic view of the school, there are new buildings which are recently constructed while other few old buildings still exist and the others were already demolished. There is a Covered Court, St. Joseph Building for the High School Library,School Canteen and CommunityExtensionServices Office.
The Marie Rivier building is used for Junior High School classrooms, Finance Office, Registrar, Activity Coordinator, Clinic, and Guidance
Center and Comfort Rooms. Adjacent to this building are the Technology and Livelihood Education Laboratory and the Maintenance Shop.
The Pontanier Building was constructed in 2015 to respond to the needs of the school since the Philippine Education has shifted its paradigm
into K to 12 Curriculum. The school felt a need to upgrade its facilities, classrooms and provision for the Senior High School facilities. There are 6 classrooms, two offices and Comfort Rooms in each floor which are used by the Grade School and the Senior High School Department.
The new Presentation of Mary building was built in 2020 for the offices of the School Director, JHS Principal, Human Resource Officer, Campus Minister, Faculty Rooms of the Grade School and High School Departments, and Conference Room at the Ground Floor; Grade School Library, Computer Laboratory and Audio-Visual Room at the Second Floor; and Science Laboratories and Speech Laboratory at the Third Floor. Attached to this building is the School Chapel.
At present, Holy Cross of Mintal continues its mission of evangelization and generous service to the youth especially to the poor that is inspired by the charism of Saint Maire Rivier, the foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
The Ave Maria Seal represents the monogram of the Sisters of the
Presentation of Mary Congregation who owns and administers the school.
The CROSS on the top of the PM monogram represents Christ.
The STARS represent the attributes of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The MOUNTAIN stands as a witness to growth and progress of
the school.
The LAUREL LEAVES represent the wreath of learning while a learner strives to achieve in the portals of this institution.
This motto rightly proclaims the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in the mystery of Christ and the Church.
By honoring Christ’s Mother and the Mother of men, the school knows fully well, that such reverence will simultaneously cause Her Son to be known and loved, glorified, and all his commandments observed.

The Presentation of Mary Sisters, who administers the Holy Cross of Mintal, together with its lay partners believe that:
- holistic development is acquired through the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ, inspired by Marian Spirit and Marie Rivier’s
virtues; - quality instruction encompasses well-planned curricular programs, relevant experiences and excellent teaching;
- true Christianity is the manifestation of great compassion, strong faith, worthy competence and unwavering commitment
- “All for God, all through Holy love.”
A holistic community imbued with Christian values and diverse competencies dynamically responsive to the needs of society
We commit ourselves to:
a. deliver quality instructions with clear emphasis on the integration of Christian values, Marian spirituality and Marie Rivier’s virtues for the total
formation of individuals;
b. serve the community through various innovative programs and formative activities to acquire multiple skills and competencies; and
c. provide services that foster the values of justice and compassion to others.
It expects its pupils and students to:
a. participate actively in the rituals, prayers and other spiritual activities;
b. acquire mastery of lifelong learning skills, attitudes and values;
c. live in conformity with the norms of the society;
d. manifest a strong conviction to promote and support the programs needed for the development of the community;
e. Understand and perform physical fitness in sustaining and promoting an active lifestyle.
f. understand and appreciate the meaning of their Christian life;
g. become self-directed citizens who can assume responsibilities for their community;
h. acquire knowledge and skills in various disciplines for their professional and vocational life; and
i. conserve natural resources for sustainable economic development.